Worry and Unbelief?

I never equated worry with unbelief until I read Sarah Young’s devotional, Jesus Calling.  She writes, “worry is a form of unbelief.”

She’s right. It can pose as a caring concern, or a conscientious safeguard against bad things happening.  But with barely a second thought, it makes great sense that if I am fretting about the future, I am clearly not trusting that God can handle it or me.

This has changed my view toward worry. Instead of seeing it as an inevitability, I now see it as a sin that separates me from God. But I don’t pull out the flogger and beat myself. I merely remind myself how stupid it is to waste valuable time, and I give my problem over to the Lord.

Oh, I’m good at taking it back, but the Lord is patient. And the more I practice trusting Him instead of worrying, the easier it gets to trust Him in the first place. Here is Jesus’s promise:

John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

I hope this helps you, but I’m not worried about it:)

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