Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows

How long has it been since you really thought about where you are spending the bulk of your attention? John Mark Comer writes this, 

“The mind is the portal to the soul, and what you fill your mind with will shape the trajectory of your character. In the end, your life is no more than the sum of what you give your attention to. That bodes well for those apprentices of Jesus who give the bulk of their attention to Him and to all that is good, beautiful, and true in His world. But not for those who give their attention to the 24-7 news cycle of outrage and anxiety and emotion-charged drama or the nonstop feed of celebrity gossip, titillation, and cultural drivel. (As if we “give” it in the first place; much of it is stolen by a clever algorithm out to monetize our precious attention.) John Mark Comer, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. 

Here are a few ways to keep you from devoting too much time to the endless energy-sapping information stream so that you can find space for what is life-giving—time with God. You will see some of the same suggestions in Pastor Comer’s book as well. 

“First, move your digital devices out of your bedroom. Charge them in a separate place in your home. When you awaken to an alarm clock, you won’t be tempted to chase a news thread down a rabbit hole on CNN or see what post is trending. 

Instead of opening your computer, open the blinds and enjoy the beauty of the morning. It’s important to relocate your charging stations so your digital devices won’t be the last things you look at before bed, either. 

Before you connect with the virtual world, spend some time with God in the real one. Find a quiet spot for prayer and meditation. Make that your contemplation corner every morning. from Tech Pecked or Tuned In: Finding God in an Anxious World 

https://www.editorialrenuevo.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=978-1-64142-239-0, Or call 559-492-9392. ) 

If you have been using a Bible app on your phone, buy a hardbound Bible instead. Once you turn on your screen, even if it’s to read Scripture, the temptation to scroll may prove too challenging. After you have quieted your heart before the Living God for an ample amount of time, you are more ready to tackle the day. (If you have trouble quieting down, Tech-Pecked has an entire chapter on how to make that happen effectively.) 

Set tech-free times each day, especially when you are with your family. Place your phone by the front door when you walk in and purpose in your heart to be fully engaged with the people in your home for the next two hours. The world will survive even if they can’t reach you for a couple of hours.

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