Troubled or Trusting

A mentor of mine in college called this verse “the cure for the nervous breakdown." He repeatedly said, “This will help you avoid one if you’re heading there, and help you recover if you fall over the edge.” He instructed all of his students to write this on a card and carry it around until we had committed it to memory. Now we can put it in our phones and read it all day long: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, Proverbs 3:5. I think he was on to something.

The cause of most stress is frustration. The antidote for frustration is a calm faith, not in our own clever ideas, but in God’s guidance. The cure for frustration is the belief that God will help us find our heart’s desire. I don’t know how things will turn out, but I know Who does. So I will trust Him. How about you? Beats a nervous breakdown any day.