The Real Meaning of Christmas Captured

While I love the decorations,the lights, the wrapping, the eating, I read this and thought, "This is Christmas in a Nutshell." 

"I became poor so that you might become rich. My incarnation (the Son of God becoming man) is the essence of Christmas and was a gift of infinite value. However, it impoverished Me immeasurably. I gave up the majestic splendors of heaven to become and helpless baby. My parents were poor, young, and far away from home when I was born in a stable in Bethlehem. 

I performed many miracles during My lifetime, but they were for the benefit of others, not Myself. After fasting for forty days and nights in the wilderness, I was tempted by the devil to turn stones into bread. But I refused to do this miracle even though I was hungry. I lived as a homeless man for years. 

Because I was willing to experience a life of poverty, you are incredibly rich! My life, my death, and resurrection opened the way for My followers to become children of God and heirs of glorious, eternal riches.  My abiding Presence is also a precious gift. Celebrate all these amazing gifts with gratitude and overflowing joy! 
Jesus Calling for Christmas, Sarah Young

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