Soul-Touching Prayer

I recently read a great description about those moments that we can experience in soul-touching prayer, when we feel the reality of God’s presence so much that we know we have truly been with Him. Here is one author’s compelling description:

“It is in this special place that you were able to come to know how special you are to the Lord and begin to understand the depth of His love for you.  This is where you come to understand His plan and purpose for your life so you can walk together in fulfilling it.  This is where you sit at His feet and learn from Him. This is where you find all you need is Him, and He is your source for everything.  It is drawing close to God and not being satisfied until He meets you with His tangible, palpable presence.

There are times it feels like you are in the throne room and you worship or sometimes a classroom and you listen and learn from the Lord. Then there are times when He will enfold you with His love and meet your deepest needs. Afterwards you feel refreshed, renewed, and strengthened for whatever life holds."

Psalm 16:11, “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

 These are the moments with God that I strive for. How about You?