Settling the Score

Have you ever noticed in the western movies how the Bounty Hunter travels alone?

 It’s not hard to see why. Who wants to hang out with the guy who several scores for a living? Wants to risk getting on his bad side? More than once I’ve heard a person spew his anger. He thought I was listening, when I was really thinking,  I hope I never get on his list.  Cantankerous sorts, those bounty hunters. Best leave them alone.  Hang out with the angry and you might catch a stray bullet. Debt settling is a lonely occupation. It’s also an unhealthy occupation.

 If you’re out to schedule the score, you will never rest.  How can you? For one thing, your enemy may never pay up.  As much as you think you deserve an apology, your debtor may not agree. The racist may never repent. The chauvinist may never change.  As justified as you are in your quest for vengeance, you may never get a penny’s worth of justice.  And if you do, will it be enough?

 Max Lucado, The Great House of God

When I read this in my devotional book this week, I realized just how right Lucado is. If you have difficulty letting go of past pain, needing to settle the score, and ruminating on your offenses to the point of distraction, may I invite you personally to this workshop.  After many years of working through what it takes to forgive the folks who have harmed me in my own life, I’m offering an opportunity to help others do the same.  Unpacking this kind of painful baggage is so worth it.


Healing the Hurts that Are Holding You Back Workshop For Men and Women
You can register now.

At Sierra Pines Church
When: Friday, January 29, 7:00 pm—9:00pm
Saturday, January 30, 2016, 9:00 am—3:30 pm

The Workshop is limited to no more than 17 people, so register while there is still space available. Cost: $149 per person. If you need a place to stay, there are a few newly remodeled bed and breakfast rooms available on site for an additional $49 per night. At this price, why not stay an extra day and enjoy Yosemite National Park while relaxing in God’s beauty.

Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on Saturday.

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