Refreshment, Anyone?

No doubt about, People, it’s been hot! Could anyone use some refreshment? Jeremiah 31:25 reads, “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Experts say the seven in ten doctor visits are fatigue related. That’s a lot of weariness! Sometimes fatigue is a symptom of disease. But fatigue has other sources, too. Long-term stress. Grief. Ongoing frustration. Clinical depression. The list goes on.

Always, though, fear and worry make weariness worse. Anyone who has lain awake at night stewing about an aging parent, a straying spouse, or a sick child knows how quickly fear and worry can dig a pit—and how deep that pit can be.

In our darkness the Lord shouts His promise to refresh us. Far more helpful than even a splash of cold water on tired eyes, far more effective than two cups of stiff coffee, God’s promise touches our hearts, planting seeds of hope. “I will refresh the weary,” He says.

A tall lemonade on a hot day. The first dive into the pool after a stuffy afternoon in traffic. Rocking on the porch swing after just as the sun sets. These things refresh us.

How much more refreshing, though, to see a friendly face, to hear a loved one’s voice, to receive a hug from someone who cares deeply about us. The presence of those we love during life’s lonely, troubled times—now that’s refreshing.

And how much more so when the one who comes to refresh our souls is the Savior, who loved us to death—his own death on the cross!

At times we find ourselves as innocent bystanders in the troubles that engulf us. At other times, we have caused the train wreck of our circumstances. (Or, at least, contributed.) But always, Jesus come to forgive and heal, to refresh and satisfy our hearts with his love for us. In the light of his promise, worries melt and fears shrink.

Are you fainting today from weariness? Are you struggling with unresolved illness? Are you carrying a burden of guilt? Whatever your cause of fatigue, pause and invite your Savior to refresh your soul.

From God’ s Promise to a Woman’s Heart

Stayin’ Cool,

Linda Newton