Live It!

Perhaps you’re there! You ate enough over Christmas that it takes a front loader to get you out of your chair.  You feel so heavy and tired that you need dynamite to get yourself out of bed in the morning.  You go to put on your favorite jeans and the tangs of the  zipper are screaming, “ Help Me!”  And with all of this, you’re finally sick and tired of being sick and tired. 

What you don’t want for the New Year is another diet that you start out doing with great guns, only to fizzle out within a few short weeks. What you need is a Live It! You need tools to help you live in a food-oriented world and not look like you do.

My Qualifications:  I am not the super scrawny gal who eats seaweed and sauerkraut and exercises two hours every day.  When those people talk about weight loss, I tune out right away. They are exceptions to the rule; they’re not like the rest of us in the real world.

I am a “Foodie.” I love to eat, and I love to cook for myself and for other people. It’s one of the cheapest ways to show your love for someone. We didn’t have a lot of money when my kids were growing up, but we still had to eat.  So our vacations were always built around food. When my son was dating his now wife, he saw pictures in their home of snowboarding, and water skiing vacations.  When we went places, we could barely afford to be there. We had to eat, so our vacations centered around the next place to have dinner!

I’m not one of those folks who hates the kitchen and eats to live, just enough to survive, and doesn’t really want to be bothered with the whole food thing. I’m not the naturally thin person with good genes who always looks good in jeans and says, “I just forget to eat.” I agree with the female comedian whose response to skinny chicks is, “I have forgotten my password, my car keys, and my mother’s maiden name. But I have never forgotten to eat. You gotta be some kind of stupid to forget to eat!” If you love food too, but you want to Live Lean for Life, check out some of the many tools we will focus on during the Living Life Lean workshop.

Live It Goals

  • Handle stress in positive ways rather than resorting to overeating, abusing alcohol, smoking or other destructive behaviors
  •  Figure out the triggers that keep you over-eating
  • Find great hacks to help you lose weight and keep it off.
  • Discover tools that help you work around life’s speed bumps that interfere with your Live It program
  • Understand how to get your program back on track when you get stuck
  •  Discover confidence you never knew you had to Live Lean Life.

Here is the Workshop Info. The cost is a little more than an hour of counseling, only you will get nearly 7 hours of help! Don’t miss this opportunity.

Living Life Lean:

What to Do When What You’re Eating is Eating You


This was such a helpful workshop that we wanted to make it available to more people so we have stream-lined the teaching to fit it into one day and the cost to your budget.

Saturday, January 9th  from 8:30am-3:00pm

At Sierra Pines Church Nwest Campus

  Cost $69  includes continental breakfast and lunch on Saturday. To find out more check with Linda Newton at or call at 559-683-2882 ext. 21



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