How Deep is Deep?

Whenever we spend time near the coast, I find myself standing at the ocean’s edge or walking along what seems to be an unending coastline and marveling at how vast this huge body of water really is—and how deep. Explorers have mapped several of the deepest regions. In fact, these areas are called "deeps." There is the Murray Deep, the Campbell Deep, and so on. The deepest of these deeps, Challenger Deep, lies some 140 miles southwest of Guam. Parts of it descend more than seven miles below the ocean's surface. 

The great Marianas Trench cuts through it like a jagged scar. Even in our most technologically sophisticated submarines, it takes hours to descend to the bottom, and only a handful of explorers have dared to try. 

When we read about God's forgiveness, I find it curious that He talks about hurling our sins into the depths of the sea. He certainly knows better than we do how immense the sea is and how far from us something would be if tossed into that grand expanse. Micah 7:19 reads, "You will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea." 

Every day in my counseling office, I see wonderful, good-willed people who refuse to forgive themselves even though in their heads they know that Jesus has forgiven them. I see parents who continue to beat themselves up because they didn't do fill-in-the-blank for their kids. So they pull out the cat-of-nine-tails and whip themselves mercilessly rather than living the abundant life that Christ offers.  

The good news is that we can be fully forgiven because Christ died for our sins on the cross. And all we have to do is ask for forgiveness. It's simple, but it's not always easy. I have to humble myself enough to ask for that forgiveness. I have to believe that Jesus is my Savior and will forgive my sin. But that's not all I get for the asking. Once I let Him in, Jesus will walk beside me daily, offering guidance, hope and peace. It doesn't get any better than this! 

Do you live as if you are married to your guilt and shame? Before you leave this page or close your computer, take care of this once and for all. Ask your heavenly father to drown your sins in the sea of forgetfulness. And ask Him to help you use this picture to remember Christ's sacrifice for you so that you can trust Him with each and every day. 

Lovin’ Jesus and you, 

Linda Newton

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