Holiday Eating Without Regret

Holiday Eating Without Regret

“Tweeting through your evening will leave you with less regret than eating through your evening!”

Every year people pile on pounds during the holidays. I used to be one of them. I LOVE Christmas candy, party feasts, and celebrating, but not when it takes me the next six months to diet off the unwanted weight! Over the years I have collected and tried out a few principles that allow me to enjoy the party without any guilt.

In my Holiday Party Survival Tips post, I talked about grabbing a sparkling water (or just plain water) and sizing up the buffet table for what you must have. That’s better than “sizing up” your jeans after party season is over!

After you have chosen the 3 things you can’t live without, tasted them, (You don’t have to down everything you have put on your plate!) you need to keep yourself engaged so you don’t circle the buffet table like a vulture!

If you can’t find an interesting person to talk to at the event, use your virtual ones. You might hate those folks who tweet about their moments rather than living in them, but tweeting through your evening will leave you with less regret than eating through your evening! Get engrossed in your phone if you can’t keep yourself away from the chocolate peppermint bon bons!

If necessary make a trip (or three) to the bathroom to give yourself a good talking to in the mirror about the benefits of not stuffing your face. Once you have tasted what you can’t live without, you aren’t depriving yourself you are thriving in the long run.

 This isn’t the last resort, it’s the most powerful tool: Get help from your Higher Power, God. Ask Him to give you self-control. (Well, that would make it God-control and that’s a lot more effective.) It’s worked for alcoholics for over 70 years, and the Lord would love to be called on!



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