Help For a Recovering Worrywart

Help For Recovering Worrywarts

In her book, Having a Mary’s Heart In a Martha World, author, Joanna Weaver states that she was born a worrier. She worried about the obvious and even the ridiculous. If what she worried about didn’t happen she stated that, “In some twisted way, this confirmed my thesis: Worry so that it won’t happen!”

Have you been there? I have. Worry becomes a way of life, a miserable one at that!

The author continues, “We can think that we are being concerned  and SPIRITUALIZE OUR WORRY, convincing ourselves that it is our duty to fret about such things as the state of the world, our finances, our futures.”

The author goes on to explain that, “Concern draws us to God. Worry pulls us from him.”

 In a very helpful chart, she further clarifies the difference between concern and worry.

  • Concern involves a legitimate threat; worry is often unfounded.
  • Concern is specific (one thing); worry is generalized (spreads to many things).
  • Concern addresses the problem; worry obsesses about the problem.
  • Concern solves problems; worry creates more problems. Concern looks to God for answer; worry looks to self or other people for answers.

As a seasoned worrywart, I’m considering putting this list on the fridge to help me from frittering away valuable time fretting! 

Philippians 4:6-7 offers instructions to rid us of our worry and help us seek God’s help: 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I am ready for some of that peace, how about you?