Happy Mom's Day

God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Psalm 46:1. 

As moms our job is to help everyone else. Where do we go when we need help? We have the help we need to handle anything, and He’s only a prayer away. How many times a day to your hear someone call, “Mom,” and expect you to find it, bind it, fix it, or just be there? We have someone who is there for us, 24/7/365. When we get to the end of our strength, He is the one we can call on. When life gets to be more than we can handle, and we need comfort and protection, God will provide it. Frequently remind yourself, Mother, that God is with you, and He will never fail you.

The next time you hear, “Mom, Mom, Mom,” and you don’t feel up for whatever is required of you, say to yourself, “God is with me, helping me.” What a comforting thought. Let the truth of this flood your mind and fill you with new strength. When a particular trouble arises, before you do anything about it, sit down quietly and recite this verse a half dozen times. Feel the power of His Word giving you the help you need.

Enjoy your Mother’s Day!