Got Peace?

Isaiah 9:6 states, “For unto us a child is born, to us a son, is given...And he will be called (among other titles), “The Prince of Peace.” And Luke 1:79 tells us that Jesus came to earth “to guide our feet on the path of peace.” I, for one, have needed the peace that only the Lord could provide in the past few months. And I am grateful that He has guided me there despite my tendency to worry. 

When God wanted to get the word out that His son had come to earth, it’s worth noting that He chose to tell regular people like you and me, not royalty or rich folk. He sent an angel choir to shepherds, common laborers working the night shift because that’s what the job required.  And in a spectacular performance that we are still talking about two thousand years later, the angels told them to, “Fear not,” knowing that they were shaking in their sandals.  

That’s not the only time God sent a message for us not to fear. “Fear not” is written 365 times in the Bible. Rick Warren states, “That’s one ‘Fear Not’ for every day of the year.” If I let the Lord Jesus guide my feet on the path of peace, I will “fear not.” That’s my necessary takeaway on the Christmas ending the overtaxing year of 2020. What’s yours?   

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