God's Got This

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world,"  John 16:33.
Not all promises warm the heart.

“We will audit you,” promises the IRS when taxpayers take too many unusual deductions-legitimate or not.
“We will ticket you,” promises the highway patrol when motorists fail to fasten their seatbelts.
“There will be unpleasant hospital visits, even graveyard ones," promises that none of us get out of here alive...at least in body.
 Not all promises warm the heart – and that includes Jesus promise of trouble in John 16:33.

As promises go, this one falls under the column labeled “disturbing.”  Note, though, that these words are not a threat.  Our Lord simply states a fact of life, life that on our fallen planet often includes trials, traumas, and turmoil.  In the midst of trouble, however, we have hope. It comes from Christ’s second promise:

 Take heart! I have overcome the world.  Take heart me it’s in the original language “to have courage.”  Be brave, God’s got this.

 From our Lords cross and empty tomb flows ample proof that those who cling to Christ in faith simply cannot lose! Victory belongs to us – in life and in death alike. “God’s got this!” we can say – even when we must shout those words into the sharp wind of life’s scarcest storms. Christ has conquered! He lives and reigns, now and forever.

Trusting that Jesus has overcome and that he shares his victory with us makes every promise of our Savior comforting—even his promises of trouble and trials. Our Friend knows how to tough life’s troubles can get. He understands and empathizes with us. Still, his love and power go much further. They make us victorious, no matter what!