Finding Contentment

Do you have trouble calming your anxious thoughts and reigning in your mind as it goes a mile a minute? God’s Word issues an invitation for us to be still because He knows there’s a great blessing in store for us if we can calm our restless minds an open up our hearts long enough to get a download from Him.  Psalm 46:10 reads, “Be still and know that I am God.” 

In the Old Testament there are several different words for still. There is the word used in Psalm 107:29, which means to calm or quiet—as in, “He (God) caused the storm to be still (or quiet).” In other verses the word still is used as in, “Are we still listening to Madonna?” (How old is she any way?) 

David didn’t use either of these words for still.  In Psalm 46:10, he used the Hebrew word raphah.  It means to slacken or cease; to be faint, feeble, or idle; to leave alone or let go; to draw toward evening, like you’re sitting on your front porch swing, sippin’ your sweet tea waitin’ and for the lightnin’ bugs to show up, (That’s the Linda Newton version.)

This gets even better because the root word for raphah is the Hebrew word rapha, same word without the h. It means to mend by stitching, to make or cause to heal or repair, to thoroughly make whole. The Lord is saying,  “Sit down, hush up, and chill out so I can thoroughly make you whole.” When we calm down long enough, surrender our agenda and embrace His, He can do just that.

For a valuable tool to quiet your mind, to truly be still in God’s presence,  check out the latest post on