Facebook Friends

You can have 1000 friends on Facebook and still be lonely. Yes, you can! Researchers from the University of Chicago have proven it. They’ve also explored the dangers of loneliness. Being chronically lonely can cause many health problems as high blood pressure, obesity, lack of exercise, or smoking. Who would’ve thought that?!

It turns out that loneliness causes our bodies to release stress hormones.  It interferes with the body’s immune function. Is impedes cardiovascular efficiency. Lonely adults tend to sleep less efficiently, eat foods higher in fat, and age prematurely.  In truth, loneliness acts like a disease!

God created us for relationship—relationship with him and one another.  That’s one reason this promise matters so much: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you,” our Savior says.

Other people leave us all the time. They move to another state to take a job. Couples divorce. Best friends drift apart. Children grow up and establish lives of their own. Death can snatch away those we love.

No relationship on this earth is totally secure, but we can rely absolutely and without question on our Lord’s promised presence. He will never leave us. He will never forsake us.

Can I get an AMEN to that?