Defeating Defeat

Want to know an antidote for so many of the feelings that we let defeat us? If you feel drowned in your circumstances, even though you are going as hard as you can at them, this will remind you that you do not need to depend on your own strength entirely. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength,” Philippians 4:13.You have Christ! He is with you and within you, and He is NOW giving you all the help you need.

Memorize this verse. Then remember it when you need strength. When we call on His name, He is there for us. When we practice this, we will see Him work, and believe this promise all the more. As we continue to affirm this truth of this scripture-that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us- we will find ourselves meeting problems with new mental force. Christ’s power to “lift” us will feel amazing.