Answers to Prayer

Here is a mind-blowing quote from the book by C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters: “...creation in its entirety operates at every point of space and time. Human consciousness forces us to see things as a series of events! God is not bound by linear time. We assume God relates to time as we do that he sees some things as present, remembers some things as past and anticipates others as future. But God operates in the unbounded now!” For more insight into “the unbounded now,” check out the recent post on Time & Space

My grandmother, Vesta,  lived to be 105 years-old- (Trust me. This does relate!)  I didn’t know until I was an adult that she was a Bible-totin’, Scripture-quotin’, Jesus lovin’, God followin’ Christian.

From the minute her middle son, my father nwas born she began to pray for him. But my dad didn’t find Christ in a mighty was until he was in his seventies. As long as Vesta lived she prayed. God kept her around a long time because my family needed a lot of prayer! I don’t know if she ever grew frustrated or impatient. I confess I probably would have. She never saw my dad find Jesus even though she lived 105 years, but my dad did find Him!

God was at work to answer Vesta’s prayer the minute she first uttered it. In her corporal world, it seemed to take a long time. But by God’s timetable it happened the minute she prayed it. The Lord answered my grandmother’s prayers in the unbounded now. I don’t think that either she nor my dad have minded for the past decade. They are walking together on streets of gold!

Knowing this has changed the way I pray. My frustration with not getting the answer I want today or tomorrow often weakened my enthusiasm to continue my prayers. Understanding that God is working, moving heaven and earth in the unbounded now, I am more committed than ever to trust Him in prayer, and leave the timetable up to Him.

Does this insight motivate you like it does me?