A Review

We have received several reviews for our new book, Tech-Pecked or Tuned In: Finding God in a Digital World. I would like to share this one with you from a busy woman who is a fire wife, mother of 3, and a CPA. 

As a Gen Xer, I spend a lot of time online: I use social media daily, I make purchase decisions based on online reviews, I use my smartphone for work, serving at church, and for home life. Growing up as the “Oregon-Trail generation” the online engagement did not happen for me until I was in college. I still grew up having deep and meaningful conversations with family around the dinner table, and often used idle time to converse face to face with my peers. But seeing how often my loved ones stare into their phones in the car, at restaurants, in our home, and during family gatherings makes me worried. I wonder if my children will be able to find balance and have deep and meaningful relationships with people instead of getting sucked into an empty abyss of social media and snap chat. How will they even have a chance when we as parents are not modeling it and teaching them how to navigate through these addicting sources of entertainment? Tech-Pecked or Tuned In: Finding God in a Digital World by Linda Newton and Dr. Beverly Rogers provides hope-filled answers to that question. 

As counselors, Linda and Beverly demonstrate a deep understanding of how screen technology can harm one’s physical, emotional and spiritual health. As committed followers of Jesus, they provide biblical advice on how important prayer is in our daily lives, and how we can use prayer to meet our deep desire to feel connected and loved. They not only remind the reader of the risks we take when we spend too much time staring at our phones but more importantly, they provide us with tools that can help us to identify and overcome screen addiction. 

With powerful personal stories that give you hope, stir your conscience and make you think deeper about your own dependency on tech, this book also includes very informative and sobering data on what tech does to your brain, anxiety level and how it affects our work, play, and home life. Anyone dealing with their own tendencies of superfluous hours behind the screen of emptiness, or in a relationship with someone who is should read this book. If they do, they will find hope. 

I highly recommend Tech-Pecked for anyone who feels the drain of screens on their life, and maybe especially for anyone who hasn't yet realized the toll they can take. I definitely don’t want to miss life because my face is glued to a screen. I don’t want my kids to remember me or my husband staring at our phones. I also don’t want to miss the opportunities I have to connect with my maker through prayer and let God fill the deep desire I have to be connected. This book gave me hope and a plan. 

Linda and Beverly remind the reader of just how loving and good our maker is and how important it is to daily be reminded that He listens and he cares for you. They note very interesting studies on the health benefits of prayer, and with practice, I have found them to be life-changing! Every chapter has very easy and valuable applications and tools to help create healthy habits in your own life. I have learned and used all of these newly found tools to change my habits in my home and have found rest, and peace, and deeper meaningful conversations with my family because of it. Through this book, I have found helpful ways to connect deeper with my Heavenly Father and how to “cast all my cares” on the one who saved my soul. 

There is another compelling review on https://www.facebook.com/answersfrommomanddad 

We will be announcing the January release date any minute...as soon as the publisher confirms the date, we will let you know.

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