A Night in the ER: Waiting on God-Part 6

Because the Lord has me in His "waiting room" as I wait for answers for my heart issues, I have been blogging about what He is showing me. Conveniently, my topics have all started with Ws. As I talked about Waiting on God, I looked at seeking His Word (Waiting-Part2), Writing to know what I'm feeling (Waiting-Part 4), and Worshipping to counteract worry (Waiting-Part 5). My next point also starts with a W. It recognizes that we do this Christian life "With others."

On my journey, I learned about the power of being with others in a very real way. Last Wednesday, when I was counseling, a wave of nausea spread over me, and I felt like I was going to puke or pass out or both. It got progressively worse to the point that I called my husband because I didn't feel safe to drive. He came to get me, and against my protests, I ended up in the ER! It was a good thing because my heart rate had dropped to 33! For me, and for most, that is dangerously low. 

They admitted me to the hospital for observation overnight to make sure it didn't drop any lower. But while I was there, my friends from the ministries I am involved in blew up my phone with comfort and assurances that they were praying for me. The key phrase is "that I am involved in." For years in the pastorate, people would say to my husband and me, "The church needs to help so and so." That's a great idea, but I came to see that "the church" was the relationships that people in the church had built. 

I love the ministries I am involved in, and I love the folks I serve with. Clearly, they love me because their words of reassurance, scriptures, and offers for prayer gave me the comfort I needed as I lay in bed with my eyes riveted to the heart monitor making sure my heart rate didn't plummet. 

I don't think that I would have been so blessed by such awesome prayer warriors and friends if I remained pew warmer. And yet, so many folks do. It's great to be a church attender, but the real blessing comes when we get involved. Lone-wolf Christianity doesn't work. Jesus modeled the Christian life for us. Unlike other religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, which support solitude and seclusion and encourage one to walk a solitary path, Christianity is all about walking this walk together. 

Jesus demonstrated as he built his church by working with 12 very imperfect guys for three years. He didn't just work with them from 9-5 on weekdays with weekends off. He walked with them as they moved from town to town together, sleeping on the ground and scrounging food wherever they could. They did life together 24/7, in good times and bad. That is the model for our Christian walk.

I am so grateful that I chose to become involved in God's work in the local church. And I am even more grateful for the "forever family" my involvement has given me. Their love and support got me through one of the toughest nights of my life.

It turns out that one of the medications they gave me caused the problem. No one, including me, knew that at the time. My peeps just knew I was in trouble, and they were there for me. That's the church. We do life With each other. What a blessing!


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