A List to Live By

 If 2020 has done anything for us, it has helped us reevaluate what is most important in life. My priorities have changed because of all we have gone through—together—in our Covid-challenged world. As a list person, here is one I found to help me continue my quest to focus on what really matters in life. 

Twelve Things to Remember—One for each month of the New Year. 

1. The value of time. 

1. The success of perseverance. 

3. The pleasure of working. 

4. The dignity of simplicity. 

5. The worth of character. 

6. The power of kindness. 

7. The obligation of duty. 

8. The influence of example. 

9. The wisdom of economy. 

10. The virtue of patience. 

11. The improvement of talent. 

12. The joy of originating. 

Last week, I posted a list to live by for the New Year @ https://www.facebook.com/answersfrommomanddad 

It’s a brand new year, a blank book with fresh pages to be written on. Despite the circumstances around us, we can face 2021 with faith. Lord knows we’ve had plenty of practice in 2020! Let this little poem that I came across in my search for lists to live by inspire you. It does me. 

DOUBT sees the obstacles; 

FAITH sees the way. 

DOUBT sees the darkest night; 

FAITH sees the day. 

DOUBT dreads to take a step; 

FAITH  soars on high. 

DOUBT questions, “Who believes?” 

FAITH answers, “It is I.”